Example 05 - Declaring Task Dependencies

HPC Runner has two levels of dependencies. The first is the job type, declared as

#HPC jobname=preprocess

#HPC jobname=qc
#HPC deps=preprocess

The second level declares within job type task dependencies.

#HPC jobname=preprocess
#TASK tags=sample1
preprocess sample1
#TASK tags=sample2
preprocess sample2

#HPC jobname=qc
#HPC deps=preprocess
#TASK tags=sample1
qc sample1
#TASK tags=sample2
qc sample2

Now, the qc job tagged with sample1 would only depend upon the sample1 task in preprocess, instead of the entire preprocess job.

Submission and output directory structure

Example 05-1

Dependency Tree

Example 05-2

results matching ""

    No results matching ""